Monday, March 5, 2012

Something that got me out of bed the other night...

I Walked

I walked. I walked.
Boundless countless steps.
Ancient roads, dripping jungles, slushy sidewalks.
Wearing  laughing babies, picking berries.
Temple stairs cut into rock,  slippery tile in city subways.
Moving in three hundred sixty degrees.

Pain and change and time.
Steps crumble, freedom leaves my grasp.
Slowly slowly I coax their return.
Widening my circles, never as grand but so  precious.

Carefully tended steps evolve
Revealing now their  shape, texture.
Wander. Struggle. Galivant.
Stray. Trudge. Cruise.
Lean hard on a cane, count the steps home.
Stride fiercely across glowing coals.

Each step chants a prayer of beauty, peace
Thankfulness, freedom

Intend every step, own every  movement.
Nevermore just walk.

Melissa Gentile 2012

Please do not re-post without crediting me

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